It has been eight months since the pandemic led to mass shutdowns across the world, leading to increased concerns about food security and worrisome food shortages, especially for already vulnerable families in the Caribbean and Latin America. But despite your own hardships in Canada, you helped. You made a difference and helped families across Jamaica, Haiti, Honduras, and Guyana. And your kindness saved lives.

With you and our partners, Food For The Poor Canada has provided 4.4 million meals of soup, rice and beans to underserved communities. Your support also helped stock community clinics and local hospitals with life-saving medicine and medical supplies including respiratory spacers, protective face shields, respirators for home use, pediatric nutrients, and first aid supplies. We are preparing to send a shipment of hand sanitizer and face shields to Haiti in the coming weeks.

Dr. Dawson of Bustamante Children’s Hospital in Jamaica said this of a recent donation of medical supplies:

“At this time, when the entire world is being affected by COVID-19, the unselfish, caring, and compassionate outreach by our donors to help others, in partnership with Food For The Poor, is remarkable. The donation of spacers, for use in children with respiratory conditions, will help us to reduce the risk of spread through aerosolization which would have occurred with the use of nebulizers. Thank you all, and God bless you!”

Supporting simple, but effective aid like food and medical supplies is crucial to keeping children and families healthy. Together, we can help families in underserved communities so that no one is left behind during the pandemic!

There is still much to be done, but your decision to support shipments of food and medical aid to the Caribbean and Latin America can help a family from slipping deep into poverty. From all of us at FFPC, we thank you for keeping children and families in your hearts and prayers.