You are helping to make a difference in the daily lives of children and communities! In November, together with you and our partner, the Ontario Christian Gleaners, a shipment of soup mix was sent to communities in Haiti.

Mrs. Pierre Aliette, head of Le Rocher Orphanage located in Plaisance would like to thank you.

 “I don’t know how to express my gratitude towards the donors who gave us this soup. The kids love to eat the soup and our cooker finds it easy to cook. You must know that this soup is wonderful because I do not need to spend more money on buying spices or anything else to cook it, all you need is water and a boiler. The best thing is that all the children love it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Suddenly the little ones can get vitamins and minerals all at once. I will forever be grateful to the donors who continue to support us.

Dear donors, know that your donations serve to save the lives of many children in Haiti and on behalf of those children I thank you. May Our Lord continue to pour out His grace on you and your family. Thank you.”

Children enjoy a meal made by the soup mix. The mix contains a variety of deydrated vegetables and legumes for protein.

Haiti has been experiencing a socio-political crisis for more than a year. This crisis coupled with COVID-19 are causing the country to record a severe deterioration in food security, which in turn can lead to increased malnutrition rates in communities already suffering from high levels of vulnerability. Thanks to you and our dedicated partner, the Ontario Christian Gleaners, this donation of soup mix served 57 institutions!

The cooker at the orphanage prepares lunch for the children.

But more still needs to be done. Read more about our campaign to raise $1M to feed an additional 50,000 people over the next 6 months during the pandemic.