22 Students Begin Their 5-Month Training!

Your gift of transportation school scholarships has allowed 22 adult students begin their training to become fully licensed commercial truck drivers. Following the completion of their training, they will be able to secure well-paying employment, nearly doubling their income, and provide for their families. This group of 10 students started their classes on January 19, 2023, while a second group of 12 students are just entering the program this month. Look out for our next update on this group!

Why Truck Driving?

With a shortage of more than 5,000 truck drivers in Honduras, graduates of this program will have a high chance of success at becoming gainfully employed in a high-demand industry. Additionally, drivers are anticipated to earn approximately $700 per month, which is well above the minimum wage of $375!

Students receive monthly stipends and care packages during the length of their training. Trainees are unable to work during this time because of the demands of the course so this helps them support their families and keep them motivated to graduate!

Here is the first group of students currently enrolled in training:

Training covers the following course components:

  • Practical Theory
  • Virtual Simulation
  • Open Road Practice
  • Professional Practice

“I haven’t been able to find work. I heard about the truck school and I know that it would be a great opportunity for me, but I am poor and can’t afford this kind of education – not without help. I am a person who has always worked hard, and I don’t like to depend on anyone. But, my current situation means I have to depend on others for everything. It hurts knowing that I can’t provide basic necessities like food, clothes, and other opportunities to my girls. That’s what this school can do.”
– Leticia Euceda, a graduate of this program and a 48-year-old single grandmother of two girls