Another Great Year at the Toronto Hunt Club with FFPC Friends and Family!
This year’s Thanksgiving Lunch with some of our most cherished friends and family was so special. We are truly blessed to have such a committed and enthusiastic support network behind us. Thank you to all that attended, making our 15 year celebration so memorable!
Highlights of the event included the introduction of our new Executive Director, Geraldine Isaac, and the beautiful musical performances by past Band Camp Jamaica participants!

Welcoming our New Executive Director, Geraldine Isaac!

We were thrilled to welcome Geraldine to the FFPC community at such a special event. Geraldine Isaac Geraldine’s vision, passion, and unwavering commitment to transforming lives will be instrumental in allowing FFPC to impact even more families. With her leadership, we aim to continue building prosperous communities for another 15 years to come. See her speech below!
Another memorable highlight was the beautiful musical performances by Daniel, Joshua, and Abbegail Shreves. Their melodies filled the room with joy, showing us just how much of an impact Band Camp Jamaica has had in their lives. Play the video below to hear a snippet!

Success Story: Daniel shares how transformational Band Camp Jamaica was for him
“I know I came to talk about me and my experiences today, but while I was writing this, I was persuaded to not overlook the advancements of many others like me and my siblings. We all made it this far because Food For The Poor stepped in and gave us something a lot of young people are struggling with today -Identity. A lot of the parents came to the camp with their children in need of help but left with much more. They leave with tools, which ends the cycle of them having to keep coming back for help. They also leave with an investment in their child’s life which breaks the generational cycle of poverty and struggle. Where that child is now able to succeed in life and help those struggling around them.” – Daniel Shreves