Ottawa – The High Commissioner of Jamaica to Canada, Her Excellency Sharon J. Miller, handed over a cheque for $12,500 (approximately J$1.5 million) to Food For The Poor Canada (FFPC) on September 30th, 2021, for the purchase of 50 tablets, for the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MOEY), the Device for Every Child Initiative.

The 50 devices, including three months of internet data, will be purchased in Jamaica to support the local economy. They will be handed over by representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade along with Food For The Poor Jamaica, to the National Education Trust (NET) for the distribution of tablets to priority schools.

Speaking during the handing-over ceremony, High Commissioner Miller expressed heartfelt gratitude to the many members of the Diaspora who supported the Initiative. She also stated, “I am grateful to the partners whose commitment and dedication have enabled us to support the Device for Every Child Initiative,” ensuring that every Jamaican child has access to the learning process.

The funds were raised through a Canada-wide, collaborative effort with the Jamaican Consul General at Toronto, Mr. Lincoln Downer, The Alliance of Jamaican Alumni Associations (AJAA) and Food For The Poor Canada. Mr. Downer recognizing the partner organizations and donors stated, “We are indeed grateful for the unwavering support of the Jamaican Diaspora across Canada. Their generosity will assist in reducing the digital divide in our education system.”

Likewise, Samantha Mahfood of FFPC expressed, “It is such a privilege to work with our Canadian donors and our fantastic partners: the High Commissioner, the Consul General, AJAA, FFP Jamaica and NET to get 50 new tablets to children in Jamaica. Easy to make a difference!”

Commenting on the AJAA’s 33 years of service, Ms. Rhona Dunwell noted, “… our mandate is to provide assistance to students. We are, therefore, thrilled to be a part of this exciting partnership that will allow more students to participate in online teaching and learning, thereby impacting their lives positively.”

The initial appeal for support was made during a Canadian launch of the Government of Jamaica’s initiative – “A Device for Every Child” on Saturday, June 5th, 2021. The event was convened by the High Commissioner of Jamaica to Canada and the Consul General of Jamaica at Toronto, in partnership with the Alliance of Jamaican Alumni Associations in Canada and Food For The Poor Canada.

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