We are told to “tan a dem yaad” as is said in Jamaica, but the Food For The Poor family found a way to come together!  On November 19, 2020 Food For The Poor Canada hosted Hearts United for Jamaica, the first virtual mission trip to Jamaica with participants from Canada, the USA and Jamaica.

Jamaica has been affected by the triple threat of poverty, the pandemic, and by recent hurricanes. This event was an opportunity for concerned Canadians to learn about the situation in local communities and to help families in Jamaica through this challenging period.

Through a combination of live discussions and recorded interviews, listeners heard from Food For The Poor Jamaica directors, staff, and community partners who spoke about the growing needs in the community during the COVID19 pandemic.

We learned about growing line ups for food. We heard the appeal from nurses and health officials in the region who stress the need for PPE like gowns, masks and gloves. But also we heard about hope. In stressful times it is good to be reminded of the kindness and goodness in people.


Camille Hudson, a FFP Jamaica  community health partner, inspired us with a story of an individual with severe mental illness, who was reunited with her family and received good care thanks to the care packages and shelters made possible because of donors like you.

We had the honour of listening to Mr Montague and Ms Madden, recipients of aid, both confined to wheelchairs because of horrific accidents. Regardless of the suffering they have faced, they always share any food from Food For The Poor with their neighbours. They inspire and help lift others up.

Mr. Montague summed it up just right when he reminded all of us,

Don’t stop doing good in the neighbourhood for people.”

Mr. Montague, we will not stop! 

The Hearts United For Jamaica virtual mission trip was made possible thanks to the collaboration and  teamwork between Food For The Poor Canada, Jamaica and the USA.

We hope that Hearts United has inspired you to continue to support families across the Caribbean and Latin America because your generosity makes a real, tangible difference in the lives of individuals.