Farmers are already beginning to see the first fruits of their coffee plants!

13 coffee farmers from San Antonio have received 3,000 coffee plants each, along with agricultural inputs, tools, and training with the help of our generous donor – The Petman Foundation. Coffee farming is a sustainable way for families to earn the income they need to thrive.

This project was started in 2021, with the aim of uplifting low-income farmers by helping them increase their coffee yields. We work with farmers who have the land to establish their own farm, but lack the resources and technical assistance to develop them. In addition to providing training on sustainable farming practices, coffee farmers also receive regular visits from our partner on the ground to make sure that agricultural inputs are used efficiently. All coffee beans are certified organic, as there is no pesticide or chemical usage throughout the growing process. The soil is inspected in advance to ensure that the coffee can be given the organic stamp of approval before being sold to buyers abroad.

Why Coffee?

Coffee is a high yielding crop that can provide a sustainable source of income for families who depend on farming for their livelihoods. By supporting coffee farming, we can help these farmers earn a fair wage and have a positive impact on communities, the environment, and local economies.

Timeline of progress:

Group #1 is in their final year, and will be ready for commercial harvest by 2024 75%
Group #2 has two more years left, and will have fully matured coffee farms by 2025 50%

Your Support To Date

You have helped coffee farmers receive the following:

  • Agricultural Training - There are three categories of training: Preparation and Use of Organic Fertilizers; Agro-Ecological Management of Crops; Protection and Conservation of Natural Assets. This can include training on the installation of insect control traps, diversification of crops, application of natural fertilizers, rainwater harvesting and alternative methods of crop production.
  • Agricultural Inputs - During the last visit from our partner CEPUDO, farmers received chicken manure, foliar fertilizer, and copper sulfate to support their farms
  • Agricultural Tools - Farmers were given the necessary work tools such as shovels, hoes, rain boots, picking bags, biosafety items, and more

“I am very grateful firstly to God and then to the donors of Food For The Poor Canada for all the support I have received as a young and small coffee farmer… Thank you for the trees and the agricultural inputs you have given us, and the technical assistance to continue learning how to take care of our crops.”
– Elena Lopez

Dilcia and Her Family Thanks You

Dilcia lives with her husband and three children on one manzana of land, equivalent to 1.72 acres. She’s been tending to the 3,000 coffee plants on her land for the past two years. This quantity is enough to help her produce up to 1,500 kg of coffee for commercial harvest and sale to international buyers. With the income she will make from these sales, she will be able to send her children to school, something she was previously unable to afford, and provide her family with the basic necessities to live a dignified life.