In light of the current global pandemic, COVID-19, countries around the world are scrambling to source adequate medical supplies to brace for a surge of patients who will need care.

While Canada is aggressively working to address the shortage of medical supplies, many countries are not able to easily source these life-saving supplies.

Food For The Poor Canada remains committed to helping families and communities across the Caribbean and Latin America. Therefore, we are responding to this crisis with a two-fold approach. Our in-country partners have identified a dire need for hospital equipment to prepare for the virus and we must ensure that regular shipments of food and medical supplies are not impacted or halted during this time.

This is a time to stick together as a global community, to unite and commit to the health and wellbeing of ALL community members. We all have a role to play in eradicating this virus.

The situation is uncertain across the world, but we are fortunate here in Canada that our government has stepped up to increase the availability of masks, ventilators and hygienic products here at home and that it has announced it will take measures to provide relief internationally. As an international organization based in Canada, we know that our Canadian donors and supporters are concerned about their own families and communities, but we know that as Canadians we will also lend a helping hand to help children, families and communities in the Caribbean and Latin America.

Food For The Poor Canada is working with our partners to source hospital equipment that can be used in Jamaica and other Caribbean countries to help heal patients severely affected by COVID-19. We are in constant communication with our partners who best understand the needs and abilities of the hospitals and clinics on the ground. We are working closely with FFP Inc. and our partners to source equipment which hospital staff have been trained to use and maintain in the Caribbean. Your support can help accomplish this work.

Our second priority is to keep regular shipments on track. Hundreds of schools, churches and community centres rely on consistent food deliveries through FFPC and as many Caribbean and Latin American countries are on lockdown, these shipments are even more important at this critical time. People living in poverty are disproportionately affected by shutdowns as it can be a struggle to stock up on sufficient food and medicines for daily life. Supporting regular food and medicinal shipments will help to keep children, families and whole communities strong and healthy through this crisis.

The FFPC team is working remotely, but with the same passion and dedication as we do every day. We are here to answer any of your questions or concerns.

Food For The Poor Canada stands with Canadians, West-Indians, Latin Americans, our partners, gracious donors and the global community at this difficult time. We appreciate your continued support and we will get through this together.