Our work tackles multiple root causes of poverty, with the aim of breaking its cycle.
$8M+ Programming Invested
$41M+ in Medicine & Supplies Shipped
34M+ Meals Delivered

Poverty is more than just financial challenges. It presents itself through multiple dimensions that create barriers towards a better life.

Food For The Poor Canada focuses on five (5) priorities that serve as key portals for creating pathways out of poverty: Food Security, Education, Housing and Community, Health, and Economic Empowerment. We also provide relief and aid during emergencies or natural disasters.

Food Security

In 2023, 43.2 million people in Latin America and the Caribbean suffered from hunger.

Food is a basic necessity for life. As noted by the UN: Hunger is the leading cause of death in the world.

Alleviating hunger and providing regular access to safe and nutritious food is essential for an individual's comprehensive development. Our goal is to leave no one hungry. We aim to energize children and adults alike. Food security is essential to removing one of the barriers towards an advanced life.

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12 million children and adolescents are excluded from the education system in Latin America and the Caribbean. The most affected group is aged 7 to 18 years old. UNICEF

Education allows one to develop the skills and confidence needed to move ahead and break through various barriers one may face in life.

Food For The Poor Canada works with local education authorities and communities to ensure and enhance access to a quality education.

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Housing &

An estimated 105 million people in Latin America and the Caribbean live in informal settlements, lacking adequate infrastructure services. (World Bank, 2020)

Individuals and families lacking the physical structures or basic elements of proper housing, such as clean water and sanitation, are extremely vulnerable to endemic diseases.

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Economic Empowerment

172 million people in Latin America and the Caribbean do not have enough income to meet their basic needs. 66 million within this group cannot buy a basic food basket.

An empowered livelihood is vital for individuals and communities to thrive, progress, and enjoy life. At its core, it is the ability to secure basic needs, such as food, water, shelter, and clothing. Beyond these fundamental needs, it is the means by which economic stability is created through income-generating opportunities. For individuals and families living in poverty, this is an extreme challenge as they are already fighting other battles.

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In 2023, 25% of the population [in Latin America and the Caribbean] lacked access to drinking water, and 66% lacked safe sanitation services. (ECLAC, 2023)

Many families across Latin America and the Caribbean lack access to healthcare, cannot afford basic medicines, or struggle with transportation costs to reach the nearest hospital. It is clear that families with access to healthcare and basic medicines are more likely to access education and work to sustain their own livelihood.

To this end, Food For The Poor Canada works to enhance the health and well-being of individuals and families in the Caribbean and Latin America.

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Food For The Poor Canada aims to quickly deliver aid and address immediate needs following natural disasters and other crises.

Support for Emergency Response ensures our preparedness for providing vital assistance, ensuring communities have immediate access to essential resources when they need them most.

These resources include water purification tablets, food, medicine, metal sheets, and other emergency supplies that our in-country partners can help source and stock in advance of an emergency.

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Read our Impact Report

Shared resources are consistently leveraged to maximize impact in hunger relief and food security, community development, education, economic empowerment, health, and ensuring preparedness for emergency response. Read our 2023 Impact Report to learn more.



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