Many families across the Caribbean and Latin America lack access to healthcare, cannot afford basic medicines, or struggle with transportation costs to reach the nearest hospital.

Families who have access to healthcare and basic medicines are more likely to access education and be able to sustain their own livelihood.

Food For The Poor Canada ships and distributes medicines, medical machinery, hospital beds, and medical supplies to underserved hospitals and clinics across the Caribbean and Latin America, improving access to healthcare.

What We Do

  • Ship and distribute medicine, medical supplies, and machinery to hospitals and health clinics
  • Build water wells, water collection systems, and ensure access to clean water
  • Build health clinics for vulnerable communities

Our Impact

  • Shipped more than $41.3 million in medicine to Haiti, Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Jamaica
  • Shipped over 1,336,000 face shields and medical masks 
  • Shipped and distributed 130 wheelchairs to The Diocese of Mandeville in Jamaica
  • Provided 101 hospital beds to underserved hospitals
  • Distributed 5,593 layettes to mothers in Haiti and Jamaica
  • Provided an ambulance for a hospital in Jamaica
  • Provided four ultrasound machines and 1 X-ray machine for hospitals in Haiti
  • Provided 2 dialysis machines and supplies to Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation
  • Provided an ophthalmology machine for an eye clinic in Jamaica
  • Provided 3,360 jars of protein powder to undernourished children and their families in Haiti
  • Shipped over 200,000 hospital isolation gowns to Haiti and Jamaica