Join us in celebrating 15 years of profound impact.

With your help, we can build a strong legacy for generations to come. By building 15 new homes for families, we can provide the safety and stability they need to thrive.

DOUBLE your impact with matching donors!
Every dollar you contribute towards building homes will go twice as far. Here’s how:
1. Two donors will match $100K for homes in Honduras, Guyana & Haiti
2. FFPJ and FFP will match Canadian donations for homes in Jamaica

Donate today and together we will continue to build a strong legacy.

Since 2008, FFPC and Canadian donors have built a strong legacy:

Built 39 schools, serving 2,500 children

Built 189 homes for families

Shipped and distributed over 29 million meals

Shipped and distributed $45 million worth of medicine, educational supplies and food!